This project is a 2D platformer developed over a period of 3 months at the beginning of 2023, with a team of 13 developers! This project took place within an academic setting.
This production was my first experience collaborating with such a large team. There were 13 of us working on the project! We had 2 sound designers, 8 game artists, and 3 gameplay programmers, including myself. It was truly enriching to work with a team of this size. Throughout the production, I had the opportunity to learn a lot, such as server management. I was able to work on networking by creating a login/register system from scratch using MySQL and phpMyAdmin.
For this game, we aimed for a highly dynamic and rhythmic gameplay, which presented a real challenge in creating juiciness and ensuring dynamic gameplay.
Worked in a team of 13 developers.
Worked with different trades
Create gameplay and dynamic juiciness in 2d
Create a local login/register system and network synchronization from scratch